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Case study

Ethics Certification Program for UOB

Ethics - 360º

AI is on its way, so how will we live and work with it? What can we all do to build ethical AI approaches that contribute to a more fair and just society?

Introducing Ethics 360 º - our Ethics Management and Certification Programme, which was first adopted by the University of Bradford. This three-week workshop assisted Master of Applied students in understanding and applying AI Ethics in their final year projects.

The course was highly engaging and practical, with a framework designed for simple comprehension and hands-on practice using our own Ethics Management application.

Students also got the opportunity to collaborate on and create their own Ethics case study, which was examined by our team of experts. Finally, they complete a certification exam.

We delivered an engaging series of workshop and sessions covering the following -

Understanding the power of AI and risks

Understanding unregulated innovations and its consequences.

Ethical Principles - Adding accountability in innovation

Hands-on training on Ethics Management and Design thinking tool

What is AI intelligence, and intellectual colonization

Understand and apply AI ethically and practically with our expert framework and methodology

This is what our clients and attendees had
to say about our programme

Attendee 1

“AI Tech UK has delivered intense training workshops for our students on ethics and as a result are credited for making our students more conscious of the ethics, moral and non-technical aspects of AI.”

Limited spaces available on our free National AI Programme. Join Now!

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