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Case Study

Leeds AI Accelerator Programme 2023


Three Months of Agenda: What We Covered

550 Total Registration

7 workshops by 10+

AI Experts and Leaders

10+ AI Ideas and 5+ AI Startups

One great AI Community

Tim Bennett

 Founder & CEO of

“The guidance gained at the AI Tech workshops and their expanding network of like-minded professionals meant that we could get our product to market faster and more ethically. Having a fully rounded approach to product development and design embedded with ethical considerations helps businesses to embark on their AI journey with confidence. AI Tech UK provides the knowledge that they need to address the impact their AI product will have on society as a whole”.

From Ideas to Impact: Unveiling the Success of the AI Accelerator Leeds

In today's rapidly evolving technological landscape, artificial intelligence (AI) presents a powerful tool for businesses to gain a competitive edge. However, navigating the world of AI can be daunting, especially for startups and SMEs (Small and Medium-sized Enterprises) unfamiliar with its intricacies. This is where the AI Accelerator Leeds program steps in, offering a transformative journey from initial concepts to real-world impact.

The AI Accelerator Leeds, held in 2023, was an enablement and empowerment project designed to bridge the AI gap for startups and SMEs in the Leeds region. Funded by the UK Government's UK Shared Prosperity Fund, coordinated by West Yorkshire Combined Authority, and led by Leeds City Council, the program built upon the success of a similar initiative in Sheffield.

The curriculum spanned two months, featuring a series of workshops led by industry experts from renowned organizations like BCS, Microsoft, and Fintricity. These workshops delved into various aspects of AI, showcasing its potential to streamline operations, fuel business growth, and create a competitive advantage.

The program's success resonated with participants, speakers, and stakeholders alike. Feedback forms consistently yielded an impressive 4/4.5 rating for the workshops, with the Hackathon and AI Showcase proving to be particularly popular sessions. This positive response underscores the program's effectiveness in equipping attendees with the knowledge and skills necessary for successful AI implementation.

Here's how our AI Accelerator Programme helps SME’s and start-ups:

- To apply AI successfully and ethically

- To save business costs and compliance overhead

- To demystify AI into a simple strategic approach with our expert methodology

- Accelerate the organizations understanding of AI and utilize AI for business growth

- Learn how AI works, solves challenges, and benefits

- Understand and apply AI ethically and practically with our expert framework and methodology

Limited spaces available on our free National AI Programme. Join Now!

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